Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Professionally Translate English And Brazilian Portuguese




I am a skilled and experienced translator with great mastery of English and Portuguese languages.

Eu sou um habilidoso e experiente tradutor com grande domínio das línguas inglesa e portuguesa.

Translations are done manually and professionally. I always proofread the translations before delivery in order to garantee the quality of the final product. My work is characterized by its attention to context and flawless grammar.

As traduções são feitas manualmente e de maneira profissional. Eu sempre corrijo as traduções antes da entrega de forma a garantir a qualidade do produto final. Meu trabalho é caracterizado por sua atenção ao contexto e gramática perfeita.

I can translate:

Eu traduzo:

  • Books and Novels/Livros e romances;
  • Instruction manuals/Manuais de instrução; 
  • Scripts/Roteiros;

  • Websites/Sites de Internet;
  • Reports/Relatórios;
  • Articles/Artigos;
  • Catalogs of products/Catálogos de produtos;
  • Subtitles/Legendas;
  • Apps/Aplicativos;
  • News/Notícias.






Paulo delivered a perfect translation for my app, not an easy task as it was specific and a bit technical. Highly recommended!


Excellent and fast work.


Brilliant! Timeous response. Understood what I wanted and delivered on agreed objective. Would definitely use again.


Thank you very much!


Great work, thanks!

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